Wednesday, November 4, 2009

here is the first part of the universe series. this one is called the creation of the universe
i call this chaos of the universe. i did this free hand with the pen in photoshop. some would call this kid art, i call it my art so there

This one has two letters! Wow two different letters here, the capital letter A as well as the letter V. I think there might be a letter L somewhere there too, but I just like the A and V myself. Way to go me for spotting two letters like that!!

Just a couple of H's hanging out in Elmos in the Stevenson Union.

The letter P outside of the the Marion Addy building, way too obvious, I'm sure that many of my fellow students have used this one for a post.

I stumbled on upon this gem on somebody's desk in the Stevenson Union student government room. Kind of cool that I was able to find the letter Q!

This can be considered two letters, the letter T or the lower case letter i. I myself see the letter i and that is what drew me to taking this photo. i really like that my flash made it almost look like a candle light.

kind of looks like a lower case d. this is from when i was in las vegas this past summer working at the World Series of Poker

Monday, November 2, 2009

this one was easy to create, i just inserted a different background and changed the position of the eyes and redid the text. i almost like it more than the first one i did, but i am really happy about the first one because it took me a lot more time to do.